Ck2 dlc unlocker nov
Ck2 dlc unlocker nov

  • As the head of a Patrician family, you must guide your Republican dynasty through fortune and misfortune in a world dominated by kings and emperors.
  • ck2 dlc unlocker nov

  • Experience a new and different type of game by playing as one of the great Merchant Republics: Venice, Genoa, Pisa, the Hanseatic League or Gotland.
  • Improve Your Ruler: You can now actively strive to improve your skills or traits through the new Self Improvement Ambitions.
  • Explore Byzantine Events & Decisions: Legacy of Rome includes many specific events & decisions to make the Byzantine Empire come alive.
  • More commander traits are now added to increase the importance of your choice of military leaders.
  • Leader Focus: Appoint your generals wisely, their traits & skills are now of vital importance on the field of battle.
  • Streamlined Mobilization: You will always raise a single, larger levy from your direct vassal no need to worry about the opinions of the lower vassals.
  • ck2 dlc unlocker nov

  • Appoint Orthodox Patriarchs: Orthodox kingdoms and empires can now control their own heads of religion instead of being dependent on the patriarch of Constantinople.
  • Disgruntled vassals will now band together in revolt against your rule.
  • Experience Factional Revolts: No more easily defeated rebellions.
  • Raise Standing Armies: You will now be able to use retinues to have standing armies in your domain.
  • ck2 dlc unlocker nov

  • Explore the Intricate Faction System: Join a faction to put pressure on your liege and to keep track of factions in your own realm.

  • Ck2 dlc unlocker nov